You design, I produce!

Sensidolls would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions from all sex doll enthusiasts and collectors. We pioneered this activity "You design, I produce". All along, except for senior sex doll players who contact us to fully customize unique dolls, other players basically use our independently designed authentic dolls. This will exist A communication flaw; what style of sex dolls do players prefer? Do you like Asian style? Or do you prefer American/European style? Interested in weird or novel sex dolls? So leave the design/creative ideas to you, become a Sensidolls designer, let love sex doll players use your unique products, and leave the production to professional Sensidolls.

Activity Content:

In our creative workshop, you are the protagonist of design. Just upload your 3D design and we will use the most advanced technology and high-quality materials to realize every idea for you. Not only that, every designer who successfully cooperates will also enjoy exclusive trademark rights, and Sensidolls enjoys the exclusive right to use products, allowing your creativity to move from virtual to reality, allowing players to use the products you design!

Activity Process:

1. Register an account: Fill in personal information, personal payment account, used to pay commissions
2. Upload the design: Use 3D modeling software to create your design, and then upload it to our platform page; write product explanation content, such as product name, design story, etc..
3. Production implementation: Based on the number of likes, views, and player comments, we will select popular designs for production. Each designer will have the opportunity to become a star doll designer and receive commission rewards.
4. Exclusive rights: Designers who successfully cooperate will obtain exclusive trademark rights for their works to ensure that your creativity is unique.
5. Sensidolls enjoy the exclusive right to use the product.

Special Rewards:

  • Upload header design: Get 5% commission for every product of the same style sold. (Term: valid forever)
  • Upload full-body design: Get 10% commission for every product of the same style sold (period: valid forever)
  • Designers with particularly outstanding designs will receive a $50-$100 reward for their first collaboration.

All designers have the opportunity to receive generous cooperation commissions and special rewards.

Implementation Standards:

1. Determine the production product: We will conduct "mold opening" of the product and contact the designer to confirm the physical details including head, eyes, mouth, body, etc.
2. Produce products: communicate with designers about makeup
3. Photograph the product - display it on the Sensidolls: You Desgin, I produce page
4. Customer purchase-the designer gets a commission rate of 5-10%


  • Sensidolls knows every manufacturer, we know female dolls, male dolls, character dolls, even wacky alien dolls; which manufacturer can make the most refined and custom designs.
  • Price advantage: It has abundant channel resources, reduces costs, and gives profits to designers and sex doll players.


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