How to order a sex doll?

Basic Purchasing Process

1. Choose a trustworthy supplier: Choose a reputable adult doll supplier. Ensure they comply with regulations and provide high-quality, compliant products. Learn about sensidolls story.
2. Choose the doll style you like: appearance, body shape, eye color, vagina style, and even pubic hair options. In short, customize the options to meet your needs.
3. Pay attention to the body shape of the doll when you choose it: If the height is too high, it means the doll will be heavier. If you are buying it for the first time, it is recommended to buy a petite body. First Time Buying Guide.
4. Add to cart: After selecting your favorite doll, add it to your cart.
5. Proceed to checkout: During the checkout process, you must confirm your personal information and correct address.
6. Verify the order: Before submitting the order, please carefully check all the options you selected to ensure they are accurate.
7. Confirm order: After completing payment, you will receive order confirmation and can track the shipping of your doll.

Product details page ordering process

1. If you are satisfied with the product shown in the pictures, you can directly choose "Same as photo." "You already have" refers to the details and features the product already possesses. Add it to your cart and proceed to payment.
2. If you want to meticulously customize every detail of your perfect woman, choose "Customize this doll." Customize the head, chest, wig, eyes, skin color, vagina style, and, for those who prefer a bit more, you can even select pubic hair style. ⭐ Customization is not available for products in overseas warehouses.
3. If you seek an even more extraordinary experience, you can enhance it with accessories: Choose Premium Upgrade & Accessories.
  • Body Heating System: Powered by inserting the power cord, it warms the entire doll's torso and intimate areas. After about 15 minutes, unplug, and the doll's body temperature will be maintained for a period.
  • Automatic Suction Vagina Function: The vagina can automatically tighten/pulse, creating a realistic sensation as if it's sucking. Powered by batteries, regularly rechargeable through a wall charger.
  • Breathing Function: The doll's torso naturally expands and contracts, simulating the gentle rise and fall with deep breaths. Battery-powered, rechargeable through a wall charger (applies to WM brand products).
  • Shoulder Shrugging (EVO): The skeletal system is improved for more extensive movement and shoulder-shrugging actions (incompatible with the body heating system).
  • Moaning Sound Function: A speaker embedded in the doll's occiput, powered by batteries. The intensity of moaning increases with touch.After selecting your customization options, review "Your perfectly tailored customization." Check every detail of your perfect woman.
  • Enhanced Mouth (ROS): The oral texture and movable jaw are enhanced to heighten the pleasure of oral sex.
  • Oral Sex Function: Take the Irontech brand for example: only the ROS silicone soft head can upgrade the oral sex function. Unlike the automatic oral sex function, the oral sex function is the effect of sucking inside the mouth. The device is connected to the doll's head and can be remotely controlled; it can switch moans in multiple languages. Find more oral sex dolls.
  • Automatic Oral Sex Function: Both TPE and silicone sex dolls are suitable. Restrictions: It is the height size of the doll. A device is connected to the doll's chest and can be remotely controlled; you can control the speed of the doll's oral sex at will. Find More automatic blowjob sex dolls.
  • Electric Hips (Waist): Both TPE and silicone sex dolls are suitable. Restrictions: It is the height size of the doll. Let the doll move and twist its waist and hips; strong visual impact and hormonal explosion will bring a more powerful excitement experience. Find more electric hip (waist) sex dolls.

4. Add to cart and confidently proceed to secure payment